Get hands-on experience working with data independent acquisition (DIA) data, using a workflow that utilizes DIA and DDA runs acquired on the same instrument in series. Define and export a DIA isolation scheme. Build a spectral library from DDA data acquired before the DIA runs for the experiment. Choose peptides and transitions for a target set of proteins based on the spectral library. Import and analyze related DIA runs in Skyline to learn a simple starting workflow for beginning to work with DIA. (40 pages)
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* - written on v2.6, revised for v21.1, updated for v22.2
On November 18th, 2014, the Skyline Team produced Webinar #2: Jump Start DIA Analysis with DDA Data in Skyline, another great resource for working with DIA data in Skyline.
On January 25, 2017 the Skyline Team produced Webinar #14: Large Scale DIA with Skyline, which highlighted the additional research and workflows developed in the 28 months since our first DIA webinar.
On April 4, 2017 the Skyline Team produced Webinar #15: Optimizing Large Scale DIA with Skyline, which added new insights from working with a new dataset and a new instrument type.