Skyline v2.1 introduces fully integrated support for Bruker micrOTOF-Q and maXis series instruments. The Skyline support for working with full-scan mass spectra has been extended to Bruker TOF instruments, and data acquired with them in several modes:
- MS1 Filtering - chromatogram extraction from MS1 scans in data dependent acquisition (DDA) experiments
- Targeted MS/MS (PRM) - chromatogram extraction from MS/MS scans in pseudo-SRM experiments
- Data Independent Acquisition (DIA) - chromatogram extraction from MS/MS scans acquired in various isolation schemes
- Consecutive wide windows
- All Ions - alternating low energy and high energy scans of the entire instrument range
For more information on working with Skyline and Bruker TOF instruments, consult the following resources:
- HUPO 2012 Bruker Lunch Seminar [PowerPoint][PDF]
- Targeted Proteomics with Bruker TOF Instruments tutorial [PDF]
The following supporting files may also be useful:
- Skyline template documents for Bruker TOF data analysis [ZIP]
- Script for adding retention times to MGF files for peptide searches [Script]