• Mike wins HUPO award Professor Mike MacCoss awarded the HUPO Discovery in Proteomic Sciences Award for his developments in methodology and software for the quantitative analysis of complex protein mixtures. The focus of his lab is the development of high-throughput quantitative proteomic methods and their application to model organisms. To enable this research, Mike and his research team have developed a software program Skyline -- a free, openly available software package for the design and interpretation of targeted proteomics experiments -- which as had a remarkable impact and is widely adopted within the proteomics community. This has placed Mike as a leader in the field of quantitative proteomics. [pdf]

  • Brendan MacLean wins inaugural Gilbert S. Omenn Computational Proteomics Award - In 2016, US HUPO announced the Gilbert S. Omenn Award for computational proteomics and the first recipient was no other than the MacCoss Lab's own Skyline Principal Developer, Brendan MacLean. The Omenn award recognizes the specific achievements of scientists that have developed bioinformatics, computational, statistical methods and/or software used by the proteomics community.


  • Dr. Mike MacCoss wins ASMS Biemann Award for 2015 Professor Michael MacCoss received the 2015 American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Biemann Award, in part, from the creation of software for "omics" researchers.  In their award announcement, ASMS cited Mike's philosophy on making high quality, freely available software -- Skyline and Panorama -- and providing for their long term support. This has enables many others to greatly benefit and has advanced the field of proteomic sciences, ASMS stated. 

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