If you use Skyline in your experiments, please cite our Bioinformatics 2010 application note, or the more recent and comprehensive Pino, Mass Spectrometry Reviews 2017 paper, listed below.
If you use Skyline for small molecule research, please cite our Journal of Proteome Research 2020 paper, listed below.
If you use Skyline for calibrated quantification, please cite our Clinical Chemistry 2017 letter, listed below.
If you use Skyline MS1 filtering, please cite our Mollecular Cellular Proteomics 2012 paper, listed below.
If you use Skyline for collision energy optimization, please cite our Analytical Chemistry 2010 paper, listed below.
Citation counts below as of October 29, 2024.
Please feel free to download the Skyline logo vector graphics and use them in your papers to illustrate your use of Skyline for data analysis.
Peer reviewed manuscripts:
- MacLean, Bioinformatics 2010 paper (cited by 4,838)
Skyline: An Open Source Document Editor for Creating and Analyzing Targeted Proteomics Experiments
- Pino, Mass Spectrometry Reviews 2017 paper (cited by 649)
The Skyline ecosystem: Informatics for quantitative mass spectrometry proteomics
- Tsantilas, Journal of Proteome Research 2024 paper (cited by 7)
A Framework for Quality Control in Quantitative Proteomics
- Marsh, Journal of Proteome Research 2022 paper (cited by 7)
Skyline Batch: An Intuitive User Interface for Batch Processing with Skyline
- Adams, Journal of Proteome Research 2020 paper (cited by 357)
Skyline for Small Molecules: A Unifying Software Package for Quantitative Metabolomics
- Rohde, Bioinformatics 2020 paper (cited by 6)
Audit Logs to enforce document integrity in Skyline & Panorama
- MacLean, JASMS 2018 paper (cited by 82)
Using Skyline to Analyze Data-Containing Liquid Chromatography, Ion Mobility Spectrometry, and Mass Spectrometry Dimensions
- Henderson, Clinical Chemistry 2017 letter (cited by 52)
Skyline Performs as Well as Vendor Software in the Quantitative Analysis of Serum 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D and Vitamin D Binding Globulin
- Bereman, Journal of Proteome Research 2016 paper (cited by 64)
An Automated Pipeline to Monitor System Performance in Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Proteomic Experiments
- Sharma, Journal of Proteome Research 2014 paper (cited by 225)
Panorama: A Targeted Proteomics Knowledge Base
- Sharma, Mollecular & Cellular Proteomics 2018 paper (cited by 218)
Panorama Public: A public repository for quantitative data sets processed in Skyline
- Broudy, Killeen, Bioinformatics 2014 paper (cited by 39)
A framework for installable external tools in Skyline
- Schilling, Analytical Chemistry 2015 paper (cited by 108)
Multiplexed, Scheduled, High-Resolution Parallel Reaction Monitoring on a Full Scan QqTOF Instrument with Integrated Data-Dependent and Targeted Mass Spectrometric Workflows.
- Egertson, Nature Protocols 2015 paper (cited by 244)
Multiplexed peptide analysis using data-independent acquisition and Skyline
- Abbatiello, Mollecular Cellular Proteomics 2015 paper (cited by 200)
Large-scale inter-laboratory study to develop, analytically validate and apply highly multiplexed, quantitative peptide assays to measure cancer-relevant proteins in plasma
- Egertson, Nature Methods 2013 paper (cited by 356)
Multiplexed MS/MS for improved data-independent acquisition
- Abbatiello, Mollecular Cellular Proteomics 2013 paper (cited by 131)
Design, Implementation, and Multi-Site Evaluation of a System Suitability Protocol for the Quantitative Assessment of Instrument Performance in LC-MRM-MS
- Schilling, Mollecular Cellular Proteomics 2012 paper (cited by 505)
Platform independent and label-free quantitation of proteomic data using MS1 extracted ion chromatograms in Skyline. Application to protein acetylation and phosphorylation
- Choi, Journal of Proteome Research 2017 paper (cited by 38)
ABRF Proteome Informatics Research Group (iPRG) 2015 Study: Detection of Differentially Abundant Proteins in Label-Free Quantitative LC-MS/MS Experiments.
- Sherrod, Journal of Proteome Research 2012 paper (cited by 81)
Label-Free Quantitation of Protein Modifications by Pseudo-Selected Reaction Monitoring with Internal Reference Peptides
- Escher, Proteomics 2012 paper (cited by 642)
Using iRT, a normalized retention time for more targeted measurement of peptides
- Bereman, Proteomics 2012 paper (cited by 137)
The development of selected reaction monitoring methods for targeted proteomics via empirical refinement
- Stergachis, Nature Methods 2011 paper (cited by 145)
Rapid empirical discovery of optimal peptides for targeted proteomics
- MacLean, Analytical Chemistry 2010 paper (cited by 275)
Effect of Collision Energy Optimization on the Measurement of Peptides by Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) Mass Spectrometry
- Prakash, Journal of Proteome Research 2009 paper (cited by 182)
Expediting the Development of Targeted SRM Assays: Using Data from Shotgun Proteomics to Automate Method Development
Publications featuring Panorama:
- PanoramaWeb Publications Page
Presentations and posters:
- MacLean, ASMS 2020 Presentation
Skyline integrates the Prosit prediction server for proteome-wide DIA data analysis using on-demand fragment intensity and iRT prediction
[pdf] [video]
- Pratt, ... MacLean, ASMS 2020
Skyline Support for Proteome-wide Data Analysis of Bruker timsTOF dia-PASEF Acquisition
- Rohde, ASBMB 2019, Poster
Integration of the deep learning prediction tool Prosit into Skyline for high-accuracy, on-demand fragment intensity and iRT prediction
- Rohde, Chupalov, ASMS 2019, Poster
Audit Logs to enforce document integrity in Skyline and Panorama
- Pratt, ASMS 2019 Poster
Metabolomic Profiling of Small Molecule Ion Mobility Assisted Data Independent Acquisition Data Using Skyline
- Pratt, ASMS 2017 Poster
Recent Advances in Skyline: Further Improvements in Small Molecule Targets and Ion Mobility
- Pratt, ASMS 2015 Poster
Recent Advances in Skyline: Small Molecule Targets and Ion Mobility Filtering
- Thompson, MSACL 2015 Poster
Skyline for small molecules: a flexible tool for cross-platform LC-MS/MS method creation and data analysis for metabolomics
- MacLean, ASMS 2014 Presentation
Rapid Processing of Large Scale Quantitative Proteomics Projects: Integration of Skyline with the CHORUS Cloud
- Amodei, ASMS 2014 Poster
A multi-site, Skyline-based comparison of DIA peptide detection and statistical confidence tools
- MacLean, ASMS 2013 Poster
Integration of mProphet chromatogram peak identification probability model into Skyline
- Amodei, ASMS 2013 Poster
An Instrument-Independent Demultiplexing Method for Computationally Improving the Specificity of Data-Independent Acquisition
- Eckels, ASMS 2013 Poster
Sharing targeted proteomics assays using Skyline and Panorama
- MacLean, ASMS 2012 Presentation
Targeted Proteomics Quantitative Analysis of Data Independent Acquisition MS/MS in Skyline
[pdf] [PowerPoint] [video]
- Sharma, ASMS 2012 Poster
Panorama: A private repository of targeted proteomics assays for Skyline
- Egertson, ASMS 2012 Poster
Multiplexed Data Independent Acquisition for Comparative Proteomics
- MacLean, ASMS 2011 Poster
Skyline: Targeted Proteomics with Extracted Ion Chromatograms from Full-Scan Mass Spectra
- Tomazela, ASMS 2011 Poster
Developing system suitability criteria and evaluation methods for proteomics experiments
- MacLean, ASMS 2010 Presentation
Skyline: Sharing SRM/MRM Method Creation and Results Analysis Across Laboratories and Instrument Platforms
- Tomazela, ASMS 2010 Poster
Effect of Collision Energy Optimization on the Measurement of Peptides by Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) Mass Spectrometry
- MacLean, ASMS 2009 Poster
Automated Creation and Refinement of Complex Scheduled SRM Methods for Targeted Proteomics
Invited reviews:
- US HUPO News 2011 TechTalk - Skyline: A Bridge Between Discovery and Targeted Proteomics