Brendan MacLean worked at Microsoft for 8 years in the 1990s where he was a lead developer and development manager for the Visual C++/Developer Studio Project. Since leaving Microsoft, Brendan has been the Vice President of Engineering for Westside Corporation, Director of Engineering for BEA Systems, Inc., Sr. Software Engineer at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and a founding partner of LabKey Software. In this last position he was one of the key programmers responsible for the Computational Proteomics Analysis System (CPAS), made significant contributions to the development of X!Tandem and the Trans Proteomic Pipeline, and created the LabKey Enterprise Pipeline. Since that time, he has worked as a Sr. Software Engineer within the MacCoss lab and led all aspects of design, development and support in creating the Skyline Targeted Mass Spectrometry Environment and its growing worldwide user community.
Status of the Skyline open-source software project 16 years after its inception
The Skyline project started just after ASMS 2008 as a 2-year effort to bring better SRM/MRM software tools to the NCI-CPTAC Verification Working Group that could support the variety of mass spectrometers in use in participating laboratories. Nearly 16 years later, the Skyline project is a thriving mass spectrometry community open-source collaboration supporting 6 mass spec instrument vendors, integrated with a wide variety of external software, with many thousands of users worldwide and over ten thousand instances started each week.
Read More In this presentation, the Skyline principal developer will present recent developments and a glimpse of the project's future. Topics covered will include:
- Supporting new upstream processing pipelines
- Supporting new instrument acquisition methods
- Enhanced visualizations to better understand input data
- Growth in the Skyline software ecosystem for targeted MS (Skyline, Skyline Batch, AutoQC, Panorama, and External Tools)
- Strong industry support from instrument vendors
- Courses, workshops, webinars and other efforts to create instructional resources for the Skyline community
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