Birgit Schilling, Ph.D. is assistant professor and the director of the Mass Spectrometry Core at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. She is particularly interested in protein chemistry and modern mass spectrometric technologies to advance the field of proteomics mainly in the context of aging research. Her several research projects include investigation of protein phosphorylation, glycosylation, acetylation, and other posttranslational modifications. We routinely perform quantitative proteomics studies investigating differential expression of intracellular proteins as well as analyzing protein secretomes during disease and aging processes. My group has adopted several novel proteomic technologies and are using proteomic data-independent acquisitions (DIA), or SWATH which allows us to accurately determine changes in relative protein expression level between multiple different conditions. In addition, she has intensively used label-free protein quantification approaches (MS1 Filtering), as well as newer quantitative and highly comprehensive workflows, such as high-resolution data-independent acquisitions (DIA or SWATH Quantification), and parallel reaction monitoring (PRM or high resolution MRM).
Skyline: 10-year RetrospectiveTen years ago a group of about 20 dedicated triple quadrupole operators met at the Broad Institute to learn about the features of Skyline -- this modest beginning evolved into the Skyline User Group Meeting -- the reason you are here today. Nowadays, the Skyline user base has grown significantly with 94,000 new installations of Skyline since 2009. Sue and I will provide an entertaining retrospective over the last 10 years – what were its key achievements? Read More How did Skyline bring results from labs together even when they used different instrumentation? By keeping its format, vendor-neutral, Skyline has developed great support from all the instrument vendors. In the initial days, we used Skyline for SRM supporting CPTAC projects, system suitability and biomarker research. Over time, the development team added new scan-type capabilities, such as MS1-Filtering, PRM and DIA and now even support for small molecule workflows! Great new features were implemented including iRT (indexed retention time), tool store connections and even linking Skyline with Panorama – the online repository for Skyline research data! A truly comprehensive quantitative environment for everybody, everywhere in the world!
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