Issue 821: Expand multiple selection handling in chromatogram graphs to handle precursors

Assigned To:Kaipo Tamura
Opened:2021-06-29 10:37 by Brendan MacLean
Changed:2021-06-29 10:38 by Brendan MacLean
2021-06-29 10:37 Brendan MacLean
Title»Expand multiple selection handling in chromatogram graphs to handle precursors
Assigned To»Kaipo
Not super high priority but possibly a fun quick feature break on something visual. A user complained about what we produce for the chromatogram graphs under "Split Graph" when there are more than 2 precursors under a peptide. If there are say 4:

charge 2, light
charge 2, heavy
charge 3, light
charge 3, heavy

The resulting 4-pane graph (with legends) chan end up consuming so much space that ZedGraph shows only a blank white pane, or graphing regions so small the chromatograms are hard to make out.

I suggested they could delete some of the precursors and select the peptide again to achieve the desired graph, and then click Undo. This is not a very satisfying solution.

I think it would be better if we handled multiple selection of precursors within the same peptide as a solution to this problem. If I want to see only the charge 3 precursors in the chromatogram plot, I would create a multiple selection containing them. Currently, only the "focused" item is considered for the resulting graph and the rest of the multiple selection is ignored. I think it would be better if we included the focused item and any other items in the selection that have the same parent.

2021-06-29 10:38 Brendan MacLean