Yes, you can do isotopolog response curves in Skyline.
For ordinary response curves, you would use the Document Grid to set the "Standard Type" and "Analyte Concentration" values for each of the Replicates.
For isotopolog response curves you would instead use the Document Grid to set the "Precursor Concentration" values for each precursor.
The first step of setting up your document would be to go to the "Modifications" tab at "Settings > Peptide Settings" and choose the "<Edit list...>" option in the "Isotope label type" dropdown to add several new heavy isotope label types (you might call them "heavy1", "heavy2", etc.)
Then, you would right-click on a Peptide in the Targets tree and choose "Modify" and tell Skyline which modifications each of the heavy forms of that peptide has.
Then, you could set the "Precursor Concentration" values for each of those precursors.
Here is the tutorial for ordinary calibration curves which does not cover isotopolog response curves but might still be useful:
-- Nick