I need to provide information to my institutions IT services in order to download Skyline.
Please may you provide me with the following information:
Software terms and conditions URL
Software privacy policy URL
Software accessibility information URL
Cyber Security information - for example Cyber Essentials or ISO27001/ISO27002 series and if these do not exist then a copy of the application development history,
Thank you,
Mike MacCoss responded:
2024-06-17 12:24
Hello Nicole,
Thank you for your interest in our software.
If you need other information, please let us know.
Mike MacCoss responded:
2024-06-17 12:28
Also, I will point out that the project is mostly open source except for libraries provided by the instrument vendors to interface with the RAW data and instrument methods. The project is part of the ProteoWizard Github repo and has a detailed record of the development history. https://github.com/ProteoWizard/pwiz/tree/master/pwiz_tools/Skyline