System.IO.IOException: ERROR: No spectra were found for the new library.

System.IO.IOException: ERROR: No spectra were found for the new library. malikshagufa93  2023-08-15 23:15

I am trying to build spectral library using DDA mode using peptide atlas mouse plasma peptide atlas raw files.
3 data sets are giving the same error despite of using post translational modification information provided in the Article journal.
Below are the 3 data sets:-

I have tried to build library using each raw file individually and still the same error pops up everytime. Below is the error

System.IO.IOException: ERROR: No spectra were found for the new library.

Command-line: C:\Windows\System32\BlibBuild -s -A -H -o -c 0.95 -i spectral_library_PXD030951_REVIEW_UNREVIEW_1 -S "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp7CAB.tmp" "D:\PXD030951\spectral_library_PXD030951(REVIEW+UNREVIEW)1.redundant.blib"
Working directory: D:\PXD030951
위치: pwiz.Common.SystemUtil.ProcessRunner.Run(ProcessStartInfo psi, String stdin, IProgressMonitor progress, IProgressStatus& status, TextWriter writer, ProcessPriorityClass priorityClass) 파일 C:\proj\skyline_22_2\pwiz_tools\Shared\Common\SystemUtil\ProcessRunner.cs:줄 161
위치: pwiz.BiblioSpec.BlibBuild.BuildLibrary(LibraryBuildAction libraryBuildAction, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, IProgressStatus& status, String& commandArgs, String& messageLog, String[]& ambiguous) 파일 C:\proj\skyline_22_2\pwiz_tools\Shared\BiblioSpec\BlibBuild.cs:줄 412
위치: pwiz.Skyline.Model.Lib.BiblioSpecLiteBuilder.BuildLibrary(IProgressMonitor progress) 파일 C:\proj\skyline_22_2\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Lib\BiblioSpecLiteBuilder.cs:줄 161

Brian Pratt responded:  2023-08-16 09:15

This seems very similar to the question you asked on May 24:

Again, need more information in order to help you.

Best regards,
Brian Pratt