Error Loading .sky

Error Loading .sky moran598  2025-01-09 21:45


Thank you in advance for helping with this issue, which seems to be a common problem. I have received the following error using the following:

Skyline (64-bit) (6a0775ef83)
My computer: Windows 10 Home ver. 22H2
Acquisition computer: Windows 10 enterprise 2016 LTSB ver. 1607

Failure opening C:\Users\Thermo\Desktop\250109D_EO_Select5\
The file contains an error on line 1799 at column 16.

I can use the program to export data but as soon as I close and reopen on either my system or our instrument acquisition computer I will get this error message. I have attached my files.

I am trying to use skyline to quantify multiple transitions for unmodified and modified peptides of the same sequence using PRM.

Again, thank you!

Nick Shulman responded:  2025-01-10 02:56
Attached is a fixed version of that that you will be able to open without error.

The error message that you saw had a "More Info" button which would have provided more details.
The important part of the detailed message was:
declared mz value 86.096425 does not match calculated value 87.104275315

I was able to fix the problem by editing the "" in a text editor and replacing the text "86.096425" with "87.104275315".

This sort of error is always caused by a bug in Skyline. The error means that when Skyline saved the document, the m/z that Skyline thought a particular transition had was different than what Skyline would have gotten if it had recalculated that value from scratch.

I will try to figure out what the bug is in Skyline which allowed it to get into this state.
-- Nick