List ID formatting issue

List ID formatting issue edoud  2025-01-07 16:43

I've successfully implemented using the lists/live reports feature in Skyline Daily - with an exception that I think could be an easy fix (maybe a way around it now as well).

My collaborators had some duplicate Animal ID numbers (think 2 different cohorts of animals #104). They had different chip numbers which were unique 9 digit codes, and then I'm also adding in 'subgroup' and 'sex' into my list. In my runs/raw files, when I had duplicate animal IDs, I used a shortcut of animalID_last 2 digits of the chip (so 104_01 and 104_38 to differentiate two animals without having to include the 9 digit numbers).

The lists feature currently does not currently support that format - it didn't like either '_' or '-' and so I'm currently only getting successful imports for the unique animals. I was thinking one way around would be to replace the dash with 0 - an easy find/replace on my list and update to my runs. But I feel like this might be something that happens to more than one person and if we could incorporate a character into the unique ID line on the lists that would be great.

Please let me know if you think I've missed something or another easy work around already exits. Thanks as always!

Nick Shulman responded:  2025-01-08 02:06
I am not sure what you are saying here.
In the List Designer, if you choose "Text" as the "Property Type" then there should be no restrictions on the sort of value you can type into the list.

Your question might make more sense if you sent us your Skyline document.
In Skyline you can use the menu item:
File > Share
to create a .zip file containing your Skyline document and supporting files.
If that .zip file is less than 50MB you can attach it to this support request. You can always upload larger files here:

It might also help if you could post a screenshot of what you are looking at.
-- Nick
edoud responded:  2025-01-08 04:59
Hi Nick,

Apologies - I swear I tried the switch to text type and thought I had still gotten the error - clearly I should have just waited and tried again in the morning as now that fixed the issue. The error I was getting was the classic - and I must have switched to text but perhaps not correctly exited the lists management view.

Just got everything to enter now when changed from number to text - thanks for the support!