Issue in reading MS2 level data with mzML files converted from .raw files in MS convert

Issue in reading MS2 level data with mzML files converted from .raw files in MS convert shanthini kannan  2024-12-12 14:01

I use the version : Version: 3.0.24196-4dd34ff in MS convert
I acquire data from Waters Vion qTOF in MSe mode.
When I try to convert the UEP files to mzML files, I can see both the MS level data. To look at the data i use Msnbase package in R , by loading the data with readMSData function.
When I try to convert the Masslynx. raw files to mzML files with MS convert , then load in R with the function mentioned above. It reads all the spectra as MS1 ..
Kindly please help.. I am hereby attaching a sample file..