Error during download of external tools in skyline daily

Error during download of external tools in skyline daily giocanil  2024-07-02 08:10
Dear Skyline team,

I encountered the following error during download of external tools using the latest skyline daily:
'Failed attempting to extract the tool from Sky9B4F.tmp
Access to the path 'C:\Program Files\Skyline-daily\Tools\Temp' denied'

could you please tell me where does it come from? Is it my computer settings?
My aim would be to export the MSstats input4 to load into MSstats for statistical analysis.

Thank you very much in advance,
Nick Shulman responded:  2024-07-02 13:15
The "Administrator" installer for Skyline-daily installs itself in the "C:\Program Files\Skyline-daily".
External tools do not work very well with this type of install of Skyline and Skyline-daily.
In order to install external tools, you have to run this Skyline-daily as an administrator, but, also, when you do install a tool, other non-administrators who run this Skyline-daily will not see the menu items that have been added to the "Tools" menu.

If you would like to use external tools with Skyline or Skyline-daily, we recommend that you use the regular installer, which installs Skyline-daily somewhere inside of your home directory.
Alternatively, you can use the "Unplugged" installer which involves downloading a .zip file.

Regular Skyline-daily install page:

"Unplugged" Skyline-daily page:

-- Nick
giocanil responded:  2024-07-03 06:37
Dear Nick,

Thank you very much for your reply. I tried your suggestion of downloading the regular skyline (23.1 version from the home page of your website) but now when I try to install MSstats I get the message :
'Failed attempting to extract the tool from
Specified file not found'
I also tried the installation from the .zip file that I downloaded, without success.
As for other tools like Prego, the installation worked fine, but for AvantGarde it could not install two R packages (stringR and ggplot2) which however are already present in my computer.

Thank you very much in advance,