Internal standard, relative response factor and quantification

Internal standard, relative response factor and quantification naymin saw  2022-12-20 09:06

Hi Skyline community,

I am using Skyline for small molecules quantification.
For the quantification of some metabolites, I don't have standard but I have two internal standards in the samples and relative response factors of my interest metabolites.
Is it possible to implement these data in Skyline workflow for the quantification of large-scale metabolites?
I have not found the documents in Skyline and please advise me.

Thanks and regards,
Nay Min

Nick Shulman responded:  2022-12-20 14:39
I am not sure I understand your question.
You might be asking about "surrogate standards" where you want Skyline to use a different molecule as the denominator when calculating ratios to standards.
Here is our help page about surrogate standards:
(That's a pretty short help page. Let us know if it is difficult to understand-- it might be that we should update that page with some screenshots).
-- Nick