
Webinar 17

Dear Skyline Users,

Interest was high as 150 attendees showed up to November's webinar to learn about the latest in Skyline support for small molecules. Webinar 16: Small Molecule Research with Skyline was hosted by Duke University researcher Will Thompson and Skyline developer Brian Pratt.  The video recording has been posted along with data files and Q&A responses.

We are very excited to announce our next webinar in the series:

Webinar #17: PRM Method Development and Data Analysis with Skyline

[registration closed]

When:  Tuesday, January 16, 8am (Pacific Time)
- plan for 1 hour presentation + 1/2 hour Q&A
  • Theoretical concepts and benefits of PRM
  • Instrument acquisition settings for the Orbitrap Fusion Lumos
  • Method development and analysis of Lumos PRM data with Skyline

Emcee Brendan MacLean, Skyline Principal Developer will host this latest Skyline Tutorial Webinar and introduce the webinar's two presenters, both from UPF/CRG Proteomics Unit, Barcelona, Spain:  Eduard Sabidó, Head of the Unit and Cristina Chiva, expert mass spec specialist.

Join us, learn and help us to better meet your PRM research needs.

--Skyline Team


Eduard Sabido

Eduard Sabidó, Ph.D. (Head of the UPF/CRG Proteomics Unit)

Cristina Chiva, Ph.D.

(PRM researcher)

Review Webinar 16

Small Molecule Research with Skyline
See video, presentation slides, and other files presented at the webinar.

May Institute NEU

Register now for the May Institute on Computation and statistics for Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics at Northeastern University in Boston this spring.