


Version 1.1 [View All]

Uploaded Apr 16, 2014

MS1Probe can further process MS1 full scan data originally analyzed in Skyline, and is designed to be capable of high throughput statistical quantification of Skyline MS1 Filtering datasets. MS1Probe creates a tabular statistical report that includes the average peak area, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, fold changes over two custom conditions, and a q value for the corresponding fold changes.

DIAprobe is unique in that it calculates the sum of fragment ions from independent acquisition data, originally analyzed in Skyline, and is designed for high throughput statistical quantitation of Skyline SWATH datasets. New features to the statistical tool, DIAprobe, include calculating peak area averages, variability measures, fold change between different sample conditions, corresponding q-values, and custom graphics generated in R. These tabular and graphical statistical analyses are all created with the click of a button.

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Tool Information
Organization: Gibson Lab, The Buck Institute for Research on Aging
Authors: Alexandria K. D'Souza, Birgit Schilling, Bradford W. Gibson
Languages: Python(2.7), C#, R