Dear Skyline Users,
The Skyline Team and our invited instructors are pleased to announce this year's offering of the wildly popular Skyline Online course coming this October 2023. Even with 50 openings per session, last year's sessions filled up in the first week. Do not put off registering if you want to attend.
We will do our best to deliver again what the community has come to expect -- great instruction, engaging lectures, hands-on tutorials and plenty of student/teacher interaction and support.
Skyline Online will offer four sessions covering these small molecule (1,2) and proteomics (3,4) topics:
The session schedules will address a range of targeted techniques using SRM, PRM, DIA and MS1 filtering, and topics like system suitability, gas chromatography analysis and a whole section dedicated to advanced small molecule analysis and data processing. All sessions aim to help you learn to use Skyline software more effectively in your research. Sessions will consist of a mix of live lectures, taped content, self-paced tutorials and hands-on practicals, with instructors available for questions.
The course features two weeks of sessions; each session is two days. The Introductory sessions of both weeks are virtually identical and introduce novice participants to using Skyline in several essential mass spectrometry methods and refinement processes. The Advanced session of the first week (Oct 13-14) will highlight research featuring advanced methods and topics involving small molecules ('omics). The second week's Advanced topics sessions (Oct 20-21) will be focused on advanced topics in proteomics.
IMPORTANT: Please plan on taking only ONE introductory session (session 1 OR session 3) as we'd like to keep seats open for as many participants as possible. There are no registration restrictions on the advanced topics sessions however, participants should have basic knowledge of Skyline OR attend an introductory session.
The instructor list includes researchers and software developers with a wealth of combined experience in targeted and quantitative proteomics, small molecule research and the use of Skyline.
We hope that you will clear your schedules for your sessions and join us!
Brendan MacLean,
Skyline Project Lead
[registration closed]
When: Weeks of October 10th - 13 and 23rd - 27, 2023
Where: Online - Zoom link sent to registered participants
Cost: $175 per session
Apply by: First-come, first-registered, until full.
Pay by: time of registration
Participants: 50 per session
Related Links:
Course Schedule
Instructor List