Webinar 12

With a highly engaged audience of over 125 in attendance, guest speakers Christina Ludwig and Ariel Bensimon hosted Skyline Tutorial Webinar #12 Isotope Labeled Standards in Skyline.

After a brief introduction to the Skyline Tutorial Webinar Series and the backgrounds of the two guest speakers by Brendan MacLean (Principal Developer of Skyline), Ariel began the webinar discussing the motivations behind using stable isotope labeling. He then covered how to improve confidence in peptide identification. Christina then covered methods and strategies for improving quantitative precision and accuracy. With virtually all of the audience still in attendance, both hosts took questions for the final 30 minutes of the webinar.

Below are the presentations from both speakers. Brendan's introductory and wrap-up slides are included in the slide decks below.  If you weren't able to attend the webinar in person, be sure to check out the indexed recording we have posted at the bottom of the page.  

We got a lot of good questions in the Q&A portion of the webinar -- you'll want to read the answers.

Christina Ludwig

Christina Ludwig
(Proteomics Researcher)


Presentation Slides


Ariel Bensimon
(Proteomics Researcher)

Presentation Slides

Review Webinar 11

Panorama Public and Panorama Auto QC
See video, presentation slides, and other files presented at the webinar.

Review Webinar 13

Calibrated Quantification with Skyline
See video, presentation slides, and other files presented at the webinar.