Issue 565: Accept defined annotation types as valid column headers for small molecule transition lists (and peptide transition lists, while we're at it)

Assigned To:Brian Pratt
Opened:2018-02-08 08:20 by Brian Pratt
Changed:2022-04-13 10:07 by Brian Pratt
2018-02-08 08:20 Brian Pratt
Title»Accept defined annotation types as valid column headers for small molecule transition lists
Assigned ToGuest»Brian Pratt
Notify»B.C.M. van der Helm
This comes from

The idea is to make it easy to populate annotations during transition list import. We do have the Note column but it's not very fine grained.

This will probably also trigger the need for a redesign of the transition list import column picker, which is already getting to be ungainly. I'm imagining moving from a simple checkbox list to a dialog subdivided into various panels for precursor, fragment, annotations etc.

This might also eventually be the place where users could define column header synonyms.

2019-06-10 15:07 Brian Pratt

2022-02-16 09:46 Brian Pratt
This one is way more do-able now that the revised column picker is in place.

I've been musing on this for a while - one potential pitfall is identically name annotations on different node types. I'd say the lowest level node gets the annotation in that case (e.g. the transition rather than the molecule, if both node types happen to have an identically named annotation)

2022-03-29 11:15 Brian Pratt
NotifyB.C.M. van der Helm»B.C.M. van der Helm;carlos penno

2022-03-29 13:08 Brian Pratt
TitleAccept defined annotation types as valid column headers for small molecule transition lists»Accept defined annotation types as valid column headers for small molecule transition lists (and peptide transition lists, while we're at it)
Brendan rightly expresses concern that we not overwhelm the use with all possible options at once - the current column picker drop-down list already presents 25 options, we'd probably want to make any additions via cascading menus - probably one each for Molecule Annotations, Precursor Annotations, and Transition Annotations.

2022-04-13 10:04 Brian Pratt
NotifyB.C.M. van der Helm;carlos penno»B.C.M. van der Helm;carlos penno;apickard

2022-04-13 10:07 Brian Pratt
See also which makes particular reference to the idea of note colors as a sorting mechanism