If you have made a change which affects chromatogram extraction, such as adding new targets, changing the settings, you usually have to tell Skyline to extract chromatograms again before you will see the effect. The usual way to do that is with the "Reimport" button at "Edit > Manage Results". Reimporting in this way will preserve any manually adjusted peak boundaries.
Skyline extracts chromatograms by summing the intensities in spectra in a narrow m/z range around the transition m/z. The width of the channel that Skyline sums across is controlled by the "Resolution" or "Mass Accuracy" setting on the "Full Scan" tab at "Settings > Transition Settings".
The setting is called "Mass Accuracy" if you have told Skyline to use centroided spectra; otherwise it is called "Resolution". In both cases, the setting controls the width of the m/z channel that Skyline sums across when extracting chromatogram intensity values.
If you click on a point along a chromatogram, Skyline will display the spectrum which contributed to that extract ion chromatogram point. The spectrum will show a highlighted region around each transition m/z showing the width of the channel that Skyline summed across.
Skyline usually tries to extract chromatograms for the entire precursor isotope envelope from the MS1 spectra. The number of isotope peaks that Skyline extracts chromatograms for is controlled by the "Isotope peaks included" setting on the "Full Scan" tab at "Settings > Transition Settings".
Skyline will never extract a chromatogram for a precursor isotope m/z whose predicted abundance is less than 1% of the most abundant isotope m/z, so, for very small molecules, it is impossible to get Skyline to extract a chromatogram for more than one precursor m/z.
When Skyline has extracted chromatograms for more than one precursor isotope, the goodness of fit (dot product) of those relative intensities to the predicted isotope distribution is one of the values which Skyline uses to decide which chromatogram peak to choose. You can see how Skyline ranked the detected peaks with the Candidate Peaks window. In Skyline 24.1 the Candidate Peaks window can be found at "View > Other Grids > Candidate Peaks" and in Skyline-daily at "View > Live Reports > Candidate Peaks".
If you have more questions it might be helpful if you could send us your Skyline document and one or more of your raw files.
In Skyline you can use the menu item:
File > Share
to create a .zip file containing your Skyline document and supporting files including extracted chromatograms.
The Share Document dialog gives you the option of including raw files in the .zip, or you could send them to us separately.
Files which are less than 50MB can be attached to these support requests.
You can always upload larger files here:
-- Nick