Skyline - File -> Share -> Version

Skyline - File -> Share -> Version anirudhkashyap511  2024-12-26 09:59

Hi Skyline Team,

We’ve encountered an issue in our lab where some team members are unable to open Skyline files directly from their file locations after upgrading to Skyline Daily 24.1. Interestingly, this issue disappears when we revert to Skyline 24.1.

We’re unsure why this happens, but to address it, we were wondering if there’s a way to use the command-line arguments to automate the File -> Share -> Version process. I’ve reviewed the documentation but couldn’t find any information about specifying the version through the command line.

Since we manage a large number of Skyline files, manually updating each file is highly time-consuming. If it’s possible to use Skyline Daily's command-line functionality to streamline this process, it would greatly help our team access files in earlier versions.


Nick Shulman responded:  2024-12-26 10:07
The latest version of Skyline-daily is supposed to be able to open all documents that have been created by any version of Skyline ever.
If you are finding that there is a document that cannot be opened by Skyline-daily, the usual reason would be that it's not really the latest version of Skyline-daily.
Can you send us an example of a Skyline document that cannot be opened by your Skyline-daily?
If you are able to open the Skyline document in some version of Skyline, then it would be helpful if you would use the "File > Share" menu item to create a .zip file containing the Skyline document and supporting files including extracted chromatograms etc.
If you are not able to open the Skyline document, then it would probably be sufficient if you could just send us the .sky file.

Files which are less than 50MB can be attached to these support requests.
You can always upload larger files here:

Can you also let us know what sort of error you are getting when you try to open the document using Skyline-daily? Also, a screenshot of the About dialog at "Help > About" would also be helpful.
-- Nick
anirudhkashyap511 responded:  2024-12-30 09:12
Apologies for the late reply, but we figured it was some Windows problem. Installing Skyline Unplugged seems to solve our problems. Not really sure why its happening.