Hello, back to Skyline after some time. Now testing metabolites precursor only HR workflow -with glycans, but question applies to metbolites in general I believe. Is there a way to filter so that skyline would choose only the nearest by RT in transition list as a hit, and discard other isobaric hits in transition list, and results -when there is only one retention time present?
With metbolites, and glycans in particular, isobaric structures are separated by retention time. Skyline picks all isobaric close-in-retention time compounds as hits despite they share the same RT/EIC. Restiricting retention time too tight dosen't work because retention times in transition list are predictions and because they can wobble a bit in hilic. In the attached screenshot Skyline marks all isobaric glycans to be there, G0, A2 and A1B, showing same EIC three times. The glycan nearest to predicted RT, A1B, is the only one actually there.