New DIA-PASEF method process with DIANN and export to skyline

New DIA-PASEF method process with DIANN and export to skyline JeromeVia  2024-10-14 06:05

Since diann 1.9 version, diann results could be directly export to skyline. Thanks to this very useful option.
To the slice-PASEF or Diagonal-PASEF acquisition, skyline is able to extract MS1 scan of the peptide but fail to extract MS2 ions.
Something was wrong in my parameters or skyline is not compatible to these acquisition methods?


Nick Shulman responded:  2024-10-14 06:44
Are you seeing some sort of error message?
If you send us your files we can try to figure out what is going wrong.
I am not sure what files we would need but maybe you could package everything into a .zip file and upload it here:
JeromeVia responded:  2024-10-17 04:01
I upload just now
file name

I also add the reference skyline wirh DiaPASEF method