No pressure traces in Thermo Fisher Files

No pressure traces in Thermo Fisher Files sascha  2024-09-24 07:45

Dear Skyline people,

I am trying to extract pressure traces from our Thermo Fisher raw files recorded using a Q Exactive couples to a Dionex Ultimate 3000. However, I am not seeing any pressure traces, although they are stored in as "Pump Pressure" within the file (verifyable using Freestyle). It works for files recorded using a Vanquish HPLC.

Can you help me find out what's going wrong?

I attached you example raw files as well as an example document.

Thank you very much for the help!

Matt Chambers responded:  2024-09-24 10:53

This is due to the Y axis not having "Pressure" in it in the Dionex file. We've been relying on that to know that the trace is a pressure trace (as opposed to flow rate, absorbance, etc.). The Dionex file just has "bar" where the Vanquish file has "Pump_Pressure bar". I should be able to add just "bar" as an acceptable string for pressure traces though.

sascha responded:  2024-09-25 02:23

Ah well, I thought it would rely on the trace having "pump pressure" in its name.

Anyway, if you could adjust it, that would be fantastic!

Thank you very much!