Importing lists of peptides using SkylineRunner.exe / CMD | Jonas Becker | 2024-09-09 08:25 | |||||||||||||||
Dear Sykline-Team and Community, I'm looking for help in streamlining some skyline analysis using the SkylineRunner.exe / command line version. I have a list of peptides in txt format (peptides.txt file attached). Is there any possibility to add these peptides to the Skyline document using SkylineRunner.exe? When analyzing the data using the GUI, I just copy them into the target list which creates a "peptides1" entry with all of the peptides - something similar would be needed. I do have a spectral library for all the peptides in "peptides.txt" which I add using --add-library-path, peak boundaries from a search engine which I add using --import-peak-boundaries and a custom report which I can also create using --report-add. The only thing missing to have this completely in CMD is adding the peptides to the document. Additionally, I add the corresponding raw files using --import-file and --import-replicate-name, i.e. "SkylineRunner.exe" ^ However when doing this, the two rawfile end up both in the replicate "+treatment_1". How to have them in separate replicates as defined in the command? When I run the imports after each other, it works fine. Thanks in advance for you help! |
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