The Python script to convert a .blib to .tsv would need to be a little more complicated than that because the m/zs and intensities of the fragment ions are stored as zlib compressed blobs in the "peakMz" and "peakIntensity" columns in the "RefSpectraPeaks" table.
It would probably be possible to add a few lines of code to that Python script to handle this, but I am not very good at writing Python.
It might be that the easiest thing to do would be to create a Skyline document that uses the .blib library, add all of the peptides from the .blib to the Skyline document, and then create a custom report which includes the "Product Mz" and "Library Intensity" values from the Transitions in the Skyline document.
Can you send me an example of a .blib file that you want to use with DIA-NN?
Can you also send me an example of the sort of .tsv file that you would want to create? I would be particularly interested in the names of the column headers as well as what modifications in the peptide sequence are supposed to look like.
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-- Nick