Retention Time Alignment

Retention Time Alignment anirudhkashyap511  2024-07-18 06:57

Hi Skyline Team,
Thanks for the beautiful software.

I had one question,

View -> RetentionTime -> Alignment, doesnt seem to work. I'm not sure if I'm not loading the data correctly? Is there documentation available to learn how to use this. That would be very helpful.

Nick Shulman responded:  2024-07-18 10:14
The "View > Retention Time > Alignment" menu item shows you the results of linear regressions between the retention times of the MS/MS IDs in your spectral libraries.
If you do not have any spectral libraries then that window will not show you anything.

We hope to add some really useful features related to retention time alignment in the next version of Skyline that we are working on now.
-- Nick