Synchronize zooming works for some, but not other samples.

Synchronize zooming works for some, but not other samples. pavel shliaha  2024-07-02 11:52

I would like to synchonyse zooming for all the plots in my skyline analysis, but synchronisation works for only a subset of plots, while other chromatogrammes remain unsynchronysed (full RT range is shown). You can see the example in the attached presentation or in the skyline files submitted in a zip archive.

Nick Shulman responded:  2024-07-02 12:11
It sounds like you intended to attach some files but nothing actually got attached.

This often happens if the files you are attaching are larger than the 50MB limit.

You can always upload larger files here:
pavel shliaha responded:  2024-07-04 03:28
Thanks I have now uploaded the file

"" to Could you please have a look and see if the chromatogram synchronysation works for you?
Nick Shulman responded:  2024-07-04 22:14
Thank you for uploading that Skyline document.

I am not sure exactly what is going on, but it looks like the replicates that are not being synchronized are the ones which are on hidden tabs that have not yet been shown.
I think if you go to:
View > Arrange Graphs > Tiled
then all 41 of the replicates will be displayed on the screen at the same time.

After you have done that, you can do:
View > Arrange Graphs > Tabbed
to get things back to the way that they were before.

After I did those two steps, it seemed like the scrolling of the chromatograms would be synchronized the way I expect.

There does seem to be a bug here and I will try to figure out exactly what is going on and eventually fix it.
-- Nick