Loading a raw file that didn't quite finish running

Loading a raw file that didn't quite finish running edoud  2024-06-26 12:47

Alright, at 5am this morning my runs stopped because my C drive was low on memory. The run that was in process was at min 9 of 11.5, and all my target windows were within that. Obviously it's a bit of a bum file since it got stopped prematurely, but all the data I need are theoretically in it . Anyway to force it into skyline? Maybe if I convert to a non .raw format first?

Or I can just re-run the sample, but would be interested to know! Happy to share said file if it would be helpful.


Brian Pratt responded:  2024-06-26 13:33

The conversion step is unlikely to help, as Skyline and msconvert use the same libraries for reading .raw. But if you can find some other utility to convert to mzML then that might be worth trying.

Thanks for using the Skyline support board,

Brian Pratt