When you use the "File > Export > Chromatograms" menu item, you get one row per chromatogram.
All of the retention times are in a single column called "Times" which contains a comma separated list of numbers.
The corresponding intensities are are in a column called "Intensities".
It sounds like you might have been hoping for a big long list with one retention time and intensity per row, but Skyline cannot give you chromatogram data in that form.
A different way to export chromatogram data is to create a custom report.
The columns with the retention times and intensities are called "Raw Times" and "Raw Intensities". In the "Customize Report" window there is a binoculars button which will let you search for columns by name.
If you have not created a custom report or used the Document Grid before, you should read the Custom Reports tutorial:
The data that you get using "File > Export > Chromatograms" will be similar to what you would get if you export a custom report, but the custom report method gives you more control over exactly what other columns you get and filters can control what rows you get.
-- Nick