Error importing TimsTOF data in mzXML format, exported from PEAKS

Error importing TimsTOF data in mzXML format, exported from PEAKS julian matytchak  2024-06-11 02:29

Dear support team,

We are trying to build a spectral library from Bruker TimsTOF data, analyzed and exported as mzXML in PEAKS studio 11.

When adding data to a new spectral library in Skyline, the same error happens every time the data is being read from the mzXML file.
I attached a compressed folder where you can find the pep file, the exported mzXML file as well as a text document with the entire error code log.

Note that the data is from run 142 and the error code is from loading data from run 141, though the data is practically identical and the same issue occurs with both.

We are running Skyline (V23.1.1.520) as well as PEAKS Studio 11 on windows10.

Thank you in advance,

Julian Matytchak
Lab technician at the Temmerman lab
KU Leuven

Nick Shulman responded:  2024-06-11 09:02
mzXML files cannot be used with TimsTOF peptide search results.
The reason is that the spectrum numbers in the peptide search results are numbers that do not correspond to anything that can be found in the mzXML file.

Do you have .mgf files that could be used instead? You should delete the mzXML files and put the mgf files there instead.

There is a little more information about this error at the bottom of the following support request:

Right at the end of that support request is the suggestion about using mgf instead of mzXML.
-- Nick
julian matytchak responded:  2024-06-20 06:55
Dear Nick,

We contacted PEAKS support and they confirmed the mzXML issue was due to their software bugging out during the export (it could also not be imported in any other software).

We did try using the PEAKS pep.xml and the Bruker timsTOF raw data (both the orignal .d folder and converted to .mzML using MSConvert) to build a spectral library though, which gave the following error: Error_Build_Spectral_Library_PEAKS_pepXML_Bruker.d (attachement).

Alternatively, we also ran a database search through Fragpipe, which gave a .pepXML file. when we tried using this to build a spectral library, we ran into the issue where Skyline couldn't locate the RAW file, even though it was in the same directory (cfr. Error_Build_Spectral_Library_Fragpipe_pepXML.txt)

We would be thankful if you could help us getting either Peptide ID file to work in Skyline.

I attached all relevant files:

- Raw file, converted to mzML wusing MSconvert: C240501_C.elegans_Lib_100ng_17min_dda_141.d
- Peptide ID file from PEAKS: db.pep
- Peptide ID file from Fragpipe: C240501_C_elegans_Lib_100ng_17min_dda_141
- Error when using Fragpipe Peptide ID: Error_Build_Spectral_Library_Fragpipe_pepXML
- Error when using PEAKS Peptide ID: Error_Build_Spectral_Library_PEAKS_pepXML_Bruker.d

Thank you,

julian matytchak responded:  2024-06-20 08:36
Dear Nick,

We contacted PEAKS support and they confirmed the mzXML issue was due to their software bugging out during the export (it could also not be imported in any other software).

We did try using the PEAKS pep.xml and the Bruker timsTOF raw data (both the orignal .d folder and converted to .mzML using MSConvert) to build a spectral library though, which gave the following error: Error_Build_Spectral_Library_PEAKS_pepXML_Bruker.d (attachement).

Alternatively, we also ran a database search through Fragpipe, which gave a .pepXML file. when we tried using this to build a spectral library, we ran into the issue where Skyline couldn't locate the RAW file, even though it was in the same directory (cfr. Error_Build_Spectral_Library_Fragpipe_pepXML.txt)

We would be thankful if you could help us getting either Peptide ID file to work in Skyline.

I attached all relevant files:

- Raw file, converted to mzML wusing MSconvert: C240501_C.elegans_Lib_100ng_17min_dda_141.d
- Peptide ID file from PEAKS: db.pep
- Peptide ID file from Fragpipe: C240501_C_elegans_Lib_100ng_17min_dda_141
- Error when using Fragpipe Peptide ID: Error_Build_Spectral_Library_Fragpipe_pepXML
- Error when using PEAKS Peptide ID: Error_Build_Spectral_Library_PEAKS_pepXML_Bruker.d

Thank you,

Nick Shulman responded:  2024-06-20 11:13

In "Error_Build_Spectral_Library_Fragpipe_pepXML.txt" the error is:

While searching for spectrum file for the search results file 'C240501_C_elegans_Lib_100ng_17min_dda_141.pepXML', could not find matches for the following basename with any of the supported file extensions (_uncalibrated.mzML, _uncalibrated.mgf, _calibrated.mzML, _calibrated.mgf, .mz5, .mzML, .mzXML, .raw, .wiff, .wiff2, .d, .lcd, .ms2, .cms2, .bms2, .pms2):
In any of the following directories:
(a few directories are listed)

What that error is saying is that it was trying to find a file whose name might have been any of the following:
(plus a bunch more filename extensions that are not likely to be a file that you have).

Do you have a file somewhere with any of those names?
If you have a .mgf file somewhere with a similar name to that which you could try renaming it to "C240501_C_elegans_Lib_100ng_17min_dda_141_uncalibrated.mgf" and see if that works.

In "Error_Build_Spectral_Library_PEAKS_pepXML_Converted.mgf.txt" the error was:

While searching for spectrum file for the search results file 'db.pep.xml', could not find matches for the following basename with any of the supported file extensions (.mz5, .mzML, .mzXML, .raw, .wiff, .wiff2, .d, .lcd, .ms2, .cms2, .bms2, .pms2):

That error seems to be saying that it's looking for a file whose name might be, among other things "C240501_C.elegans_Lib_100ng_17min_dda_141.d.mzML"
I am not sure why, in this case, it's not considering that the file might have the extension ".mgf" because that's what I think we recommend that you use with this type of data.
If you have a .mzML file around somewhere you could try renaming it to "C240501_C.elegans_Lib_100ng_17min_dda_141.d.mzML" and see if this works.

-- Nick

Juan C. Rojas E. responded:  2024-06-21 01:16

Hey Julian,

Maybe this post can give you some insight:

If your aim is to make a DDA library my preferred workflow is:

  • Process raw dda files with Bruker DataAnalysis to generate .mgf files. This is usually done by default with tunable Bruker Processing methods where the following occurs: precursor m/z has been corrected, precursor charge has been determined, determination of the ion mobility of the precursor ion, summation and peak picking of TOF scans within (user defined) m/z, 1/K0 and retention time boundaries. Optional: If calibrant signal was still observable in your LC-MS run then mass re-calibration is possible
  • Take the .mgf stored within the .d folders and use that as input for PEAKS
  • Export the PEAKS results (i.e., .pepXML or .mzID)
  • Use the PEAKS results and the .mgf files you took from the .d folder to create the spectral library

You can get away with working with the .mgf and .mzID results from PEAKS if you use the raw data as input for PEAKS, but keep in mind the MS/MS spectra will be charge deconvoluted (I have not found a way of turning this feature off) which might not be representative for subsequent DIA data analysis.

Bruker DataAnalysis has an extensive manual, but in the tutorial of this publication (first section; ignore the XL-MS part) you can find some insight about the user defined settings mentioned earlier:

Keep in mind the outlined workflow discards all the MS1 information so PEAKS will not be able to do any quant. But since you are using Skyline I am assuming will rely on the quant output of Skyline instead :p Once you have the DDA library you can import the raw .d files into your Skyline project.

The one thing you will be missing is the IMS library though. Recent updates have changed the IMS library creation from raw data (however, I have not had the time to test it yet). However, 1/K0 of each precursor is encoded by most Bruker default processing scripts and is written in the title of each MS/MS scan of the .mgf files which could be mined out with a parsing python/R script.

Hope the information helps and hit me up if I can be of further assistance!
Juan C.