Dear Nick, Brendan and/or colleagues from Skyline support,
To satisfy a prerequisite of a journal, reviewer and to attempt to comply with FAIR data principles, we are trying to upload MRM3 data to Panorama. I have previously asked for help to upload the data making a method, we have found a work-around and have succesfully uploaded data to Skyline in a method.
Unfortunately, a substantial part of the data-files failed to upload, while others do. Uploading the 'faulty' data provides this error message:
At 10:05:
Failed importing results file 'C:\Users\Hyung\Surfdrive\Projects\2020\P20-0001_COVID-19\Data\20240425_Exp134_RepositoryUpload\220503_Exp111_batch02\renamed_files\220503_019_MRM3_30089A1_10uL.wiff2'.
[WiffFile2Impl::getInstrumentSerialNumber()] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.ChromCacheBuildException: Failed importing results file 'C:\Users\Hyung\Surfdrive\Projects\2020\P20-0001_COVID-19\Data\20240425_Exp134_RepositoryUpload\220503_Exp111_batch02\renamed_files\220503_019_MRM3_30089A1_10uL.wiff2'.
[WiffFile2Impl::getInstrumentSerialNumber()] Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ---> System.Exception: [WiffFile2Impl::getInstrumentSerialNumber()] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at filename, MSData result, Int32 runIndex, ReaderConfig config)
at pwiz.ProteowizardWrapper.MsDataFileImpl..ctor(String path, Int32 sampleIndex, LockMassParameters lockmassParameters, Boolean simAsSpectra, Boolean srmAsSpectra, Boolean acceptZeroLengthSpectra, Boolean requireVendorCentroidedMS1, Boolean requireVendorCentroidedMS2, Boolean ignoreZeroIntensityPoints, Int32 preferOnlyMsLevel, Boolean combineIonMobilitySpectra, Boolean trimNativeId) in C:\proj\pwiz\pwiz_tools\Shared\ProteowizardWrapper\MsDataFileImpl.cs:line 200
at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.MsDataFilePath.OpenMsDataFile(Boolean simAsSpectra, Boolean preferOnlyMs1, Boolean centroidMs1, Boolean centroidMs2, Boolean ignoreZeroIntensityPoints) in C:\proj\pwiz\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Results\MsDataFilePath.cs:line 295
at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.ChromCacheBuilder.BuildCache() in C:\proj\pwiz\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Results\ChromCacheBuilder.cs:line 191
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
It seems to me that the built-in msconvert module is throwing an error, pertaining the serial number of the MS. I checked the original Sciex data file that fails in Sciex OS (version, and it does not seem to be corrupted, at least it opens normally. The MS data and metadata (serial number in the 'sample info') are also retrievable using Sciex OS (explorer module).
I also tried to convert the data in MS convert (version: 3.0.24094-d2966db), but I am not able to execute it properly. It also returns an error ([WiffFile2Impl::setSample()] Value cannot be null.). I think my colleague has previously reported this. I also tried to look in previous reported Skyline issues if I could find an answer to my question, but I was unable to find a solution for this problem.
Back to the Skyline upload: Is there a solution to upload all of our files?
Best regards,
Hyung Elfrink
Leiden University, Metabolomics and Analytics Centre.
P.S. I have attached my method file and I can share the data files per FTP.
P.P.S This is a link to the data that succeeded to upload, to Skyline and subsequently Panorama: University - MAC/COVID-19 Mass Spectrometric MRM3 repository/targetedms-showPrecursorList.view?id=204275