Thank you for sending that .zip file.
I can actually get things to work if I trick BiblioSpec into thinking that this pep.xml file came from XTandem instead of either Peptide Prophet or MSFragger.
That is, I took your file "interact-Zelda_240116_P3082_JS_JS_CIS3_2h_8mz_overlap_REP1_R1_rank1.pep.xml" and removed lines everything from <peptideprophet_summary
on line 5 to and the point after </peptideprophet_summary>
on line 7, and also removed the:
on line 20.
(I have attached a .zip file which contains my edited .pep.xml file)
I imagine that you could get this working on all of your files by doing these same edits to each of your interact...pep.xml files.
I will ask my coworkers and find out whether there is something we need to fix in BiblioSpec to make it so that these sorts of edits are not necessary.
-- Nick