How to change the language from Chinese to English?

How to change the language from Chinese to English? xx huang  2024-01-28 04:26

Hi, thanks for your work in skyline! I am a student in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.
I installed the skyline and opened it to find that the default language is Chinese. As I get more familiar with skyline, I want to use it in Englisgh. I wonder how I can change the language into English or where I can download the English version? Thanks in advance!

Best wishes

Nick Shulman responded:  2024-01-28 06:02
You can use the "Tools > Options" menu item to bring up the "Options" dialog.
The "Language" tab in the Options dialog allows you to choose a different language.
xx huang responded:  2024-01-28 21:58
Oh, I got it. Thanks!