Skyline is a great tool for analyzing liquid chromatography data from triple quadrupole instruments from many manufacturers including Shimadzu.
With Skyline, the first step that you would need to do would be to tell Skyline which targets you are interested in. If you are doing a proteomics experiment, you could give Skyline the list of peptides using the menu item "Edit > Insert > Peptides". You can find more information about other ways of adding targets to a Skyline document in the first part of the Targeted Method Editing tutorial:
If you are interested in small molecules which are not peptides then you should look at the small molecule tutorial:
After you have told Skyline about your targets you can use the "File > Import > Results" menu item to read the chromatograms from your .lcd files.
Alternatively, if you want to have a look at your data without Skyline getting in the way, you could install ProteoWizard:
After you have installed ProteoWizard there will be two new items on your Windows Start Menu:
1. "MSConvert" can be used to convert your .lcd files to .mzML. I believe MSDIAL can read .mzML files.
2. "SeeMS" will allow you to view the list of chromatograms that are in your .lcd file and plot the chromatograms on the screen.
-- Nick