predicted retention times not working for random subset of library

predicted retention times not working for random subset of library Will Thompson  2023-12-15 05:30

Dear Skyline Team,

I'm having some trouble in recent version(s) with retention time/iRT not producing predicted retention times for a seemingly random subset of compounds which are in the library. Can you take a look at the attached document and see if you can help me figure out what is going on? Every compound in the document should be in the retention time library. Every run has all iRT indexing compounds identified...and yet a predicted retention time (and appropriately narrow RT window for extraction) is not produced for all the compounds. I just can't seem to figure out why some of these compounds would work and others not. Moreover, it doesn't seem to happen all the time, and routinely all the iRT molecules which it needs to produce predictions for the other compounds, are always found.

Help! I appreciate it.



Nick Shulman responded:  2023-12-15 06:00
There is no file attached to this message.
My guess is that the file that you tried to attach was too large.
You should upload that file here:
-- Nick