Import Peak Integration Boundaries from command line

Import Peak Integration Boundaries from command line sstewart  2023-08-30 12:37

Do same as "Import > Peak Boundaries" from GUI.

Nick Shulman responded:  2023-08-30 13:18
There is a command available on the Skyline command line: "--import-peak-boundaries".
This was implemented in January 2022, so it is available if you are using Skyline 22.2.

If you want to see the latest command line documentation, you can use the Skyline menu item "Help > Documentation > Command Line" or you could pass "--help" to the SkylineRunner.exe or SkylineCmd.exe
-- Nick
sstewart responded:  2023-08-30 13:38
Excellent! I was using a PDF I found online for the docs where it didn't appear. Thanks!
sstewart responded:  2023-08-30 13:41
This issue can be closed.