To get started fliabaldo  2021-01-23 14:48

Hello! I´m writing for you in order to ask some questions. I am starting to use skyline and I want to know if by entering the sequence of a protein and telling the software which digestion enzyme we use, I can have the information about the cleavage peptide sequence? and If it possible to learn about the use of skyline with the tutorial reading alone? I´m from Argentina and I'm interested in the Skyline.
Sorry for my english y for consuming your valuable time. Thank you very much.

Nick Shulman responded:  2021-01-23 14:56
I am not sure that I understand your question.

Yes, the tutorials are a great way to learn about Skyline.
You can find all of the tutorials here:

Do you know what type of mass spectrometer you have?

If I knew more about what sort of experiments you were planning on doing I could give you better advice about which tutorials to look at.
-- Nick