Peptide Quantitation Using Unlabled Peptide as Internal Standard

Peptide Quantitation Using Unlabled Peptide as Internal Standard Richard Lam  2020-02-26 14:12

I would like to create calibration curves for 3 peptides based on the peak area ratio of the peptide and a common unlabeled peptide (see attachment for the Skyline document).
For each BSA peptide (a total of 3), I would like to use the PSA peptide as internal standard and create the standard curve for each BSA peptide.



Brendan MacLean responded:  2020-02-26 14:57

Here is a tip on using Surrogate Standards: Standards

Sorry it is so brief and free of screenshots. Hope it is enough to help you achieve what you are looking for. It definitely attempts to describe what you need to do.


Richard Lam responded:  2020-02-26 15:28


I opened the Document Grid as stated in the 'tip' provided. But I could not find "Views dropdown" on the Document Grid (see attachment of my Document Grid). Do you know where I can find it?



Brian Pratt responded:  2020-02-26 15:33

Try "Reports". We should update that note!

Richard Lam responded:  2020-02-26 18:24

Great, thanks!