Wrong area plotted into calibration curve

Wrong area plotted into calibration curve Yasin  2018-12-02 08:11


I think I found some bug, although I am not sure about the reason it is happening. I was trying to make a calibration curve, with three replicates per concentration. This worked fine in general but for one molecule (Methionine in the uploaded example) one of the replicates for the concentration of 1000 nM (sample 100_C13_2 in the uploaded example)is plotted with a wrong area into the calibration curve. In the area-replicate comparison all areas of the samples (100_C13_1, 100_C13_2 and 100_C13_3) are almost exactly the same. Just on the calibration curve something went wrong.
Is this really a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Anyway thanks a lot in advance.


Yasin responded:  2018-12-02 08:14

I uploaded the zip file to https://skyline.ms/files.url

Nick Shulman responded:  2018-12-04 23:30
The calibration curve plot is displaying the total peak area across all of the precursors in your molecule. The 148.0438[M-H] precursor has consistent values across all of your replicates, but the 130.0332[M-H2O-H] precursor has an outlier in one of your replicates.

Hope this helps,
-- Nick