Transition List for SRM rsabnis  2018-05-23 15:30

I made a spectral library with all heavy phosphorylated peptides using msms file from MaxQuant. When we import results, we see very few transitions, most of which are b ions. We think this improper y ions assignment is because the software is not recognizing the heavy peptides. Any help to get the transition list for SRM method would be appreciated.

Thank you!
Brendan MacLean responded:  2018-05-23 15:49
We will probably need to see at least your mqpar.xml and modifications.xml from the MaxQuant Andromeda search. Having the msms.txt file might also be helpful. If they are small enough (<50 MB) you can attach to this support request. Otherwise, you can post them to:

And let us know. Hopefully we will be able to solve this quickly.

Thanks for posting to the Skyline support board.

rsabnis responded:  2018-05-23 17:14
I have attached all three.
Kaipo Tamura responded:  2018-05-24 12:11

Hi Renuka,
This looks like a bug that was fixed recently - the fix hasn't made it to the main release yet, only Skyline-daily. You can download Skyline-daily from the main page (, clicking the green "Skyline-daily (beta)".


rsabnis responded:  2018-05-24 14:07

Thank you, Kaipo!