Overlaying same peak across different samples

Overlaying same peak across different samples victor gonzalez  2018-02-05 07:12
Dear all,

I would like to know if there's a way to get a graph in which I could plot an overlay of the profile of all the peaks corresponding to the same transition, across all of the available result files. I have checked the tutorials and webinars, but I was unable to find an example in which such feature was employed.

Thank you so much in advance, and best regards,

Nick Shulman responded:  2018-02-05 13:31
Skyline does not have any graph that looks like that.

You can always copy the data from the chromatogram window, and paste it into a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel, and you would probably be able to make a graph that looked like that.
If you right-click on the chromatogram, there is a "Copy Data" menu item which will give you the times and intensities that you can paste into a spreadsheet and then use to make a series of line graphs.
victor gonzalez responded:  2018-02-05 23:47
Hello Nick,

Thank you so much for your answer. I was afraid that one could be the only way to solve my problem... Indeed, from my point of view, that could be a very visual way for analysts to inspect the shape of a compound's peak on the chromatograms across runs (very much like you can do on XCMS), allowing to check the separation performance, or to detect problems, as an extra in addition to the retention time and area plots. Feature request! :)

Thank you so much! Cheers!

viragsagikiss responded:  2021-01-25 05:31
Dear all,

I have searched if anyone asked this question before. As I see this was in 2018 I wonder if there is a way to overlay transitions now, or if Skyline plans to implement this?

I attached a picture to show where it would be extremely useful to tell if the peaks align. The picture attached is a simple case of telling interferences apart, but i have much more complicated cases where overlay a few sample would be just the thing to quickly tell.

Brendan MacLean responded:  2021-01-25 09:39
Hi Virag,
We don't have anything more elaborate than what you have shown planned.

It seems like it would be complicated to represent the integrated area of all of the transitions in a single plot. As you show, maybe the most interesting issue with your plots is that the integration in one includes a nearby interference peak and not in the other.

Sorry we have not progress to report in this area. Thanks for your screenshot. They are always helpful.
