Skyline targeted method editing tutorial

Skyline targeted method editing tutorial hamishk  2017-08-28 06:33
Just had a question in regards to the targeted method editing tutorial concerning the construction of the background proteome file.
On pages 4 and 5 of the manual it says to appears that we are required to upload a Yeast.protdb file from the FASTA folder although there are not .protdb files present in the whole method edit parent folder. Is this Yeast.protbd file something that we should be able to generate or is there a file missing from the method edit FAST folder?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated :)
Brendan MacLean responded:  2017-08-28 07:18
Note that you are being instructed to create the Yeast.protdb file, and not open an existing file. In this section, you are creating a new Background Proteome file where you have none in prior existence, a common case when you are just starting to work with Skyline. From the relevant steps in the tutorial
  • In the Peptide Settings form, click the Digestion tab.
  • From the Background proteome drop-list, choose <Add…>.
  • Click the Create button in the Edit Background Proteome form.
  • Navigate to the FASTA subfolder of the MethodEdit folder.
  • In the File name field, enter ‘Yeast’.
  • Click the Save button.
Hope this helps clarify the intent of this section and the reason Yeast.protdb will not be found until you create it.

Thanks for posting your question to the support board.
