How to import orbitrap results?

How to import orbitrap results? Aljona Saleh  2017-08-21 12:16
I was trying to import .raw data (from import results) but receive following message:

At 21:12:
Failed importing results file 'C:\Users\AljonaS\Desktop\Orbitrap data\DP_SL_048_hBSSL_digest_tryp_170817.raw'.
[read_file_header()] Unable to open file C:\Users\AljonaS\Desktop\Orbitrap data\DP_SL_048_hBSSL_digest_tryp_170817.raw (invalid permission or file locked)

Inner exceptions:
Exception type: System.Exception
Error message: [read_file_header()] Unable to open file C:\Users\AljonaS\Desktop\Orbitrap data\DP_SL_048_hBSSL_digest_tryp_170817.raw (invalid permission or file locked)
[read_file_header()] Unable to open file C:\Users\AljonaS\Desktop\Orbitrap data\DP_SL_048_hBSSL_digest_tryp_170817.raw (invalid permission or file locked)
   at filename, MSData result, Int32 runIndex, ReaderConfig config)
   at pwiz.ProteowizardWrapper.MsDataFileImpl..ctor(String path, Int32 sampleIndex, LockMassParameters lockmassParameters, Boolean simAsSpectra, Boolean srmAsSpectra, Boolean acceptZeroLengthSpectra, Boolean requireVendorCentroidedMS1, Boolean requireVendorCentroidedMS2, Boolean ignoreZeroIntensityPoints) in c:\proj\skyline_3_7_x64\pwiz_tools\Shared\ProteowizardWrapper\MsDataFileImpl.cs:line 138
   at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Results.ChromCacheBuilder.BuildCache() in c:\proj\skyline_3_7_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Results\ChromCacheBuilder.cs:line 199

Our.raw data files are not locked or invalid permission in any way, that we are aware of.
How can I import orbitrap files?

Thank you very much for help!
With kind regards,
Brendan MacLean responded:  2017-08-21 12:34
That usually is an indication that you have the file open in some other tool. Try closing down all other applications and repeat with Skyline only open on the desktop. Probably we should look into improving this message.

Alternatively, you could also try copying the file to a new location to be sure nothing else is holding a lock to it.

Let us know what you learn. If you install ProteoWizard, you can also try to just open the raw data file with the SeeMS application that comes with it. This may be a quicker way to test whether the file is locked in some way without needing to initiate an import with Skyline. The two applications should error in the same way, since they use the same underlying data access layer.

Thanks for reporting your issue. I hope this helps get you unblocked.
