QuaSAR error on Skyline | jung165 | 2018-04-10 17:47 |
Deal all, I have a problem with running QuaSAR program on Skyline I did triplicate run for response and non response about specific drug that I defined "SampleGroup" as R and NR, "Concentration" as 5 (which is 5ug of sample), and "IS Spike" as 200 (which is 200fmol/ul). As unit of my sample and SIS peptides are different(ug and fmol/ul), Is it applicable to put values as I mentioned above?? Also, I have one more problem with running it. Below command is error on Skyline immediate window. Any one can help?? I also attached my Skyline file. Thank you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KernSmooth 2.23 loaded Copyright M. P. Wand 1997-2009 Attaching package: 'gplots' The following object is masked from 'package:stats': lowess [1] >>> Processing part 1 of 1 [1] Initializing ... [1] Running AuDIT ... Error in run.AuDIT(file, output.prefix, required.columns = audit.required.columns, : Could not calculate any p values. Calls: tryCatch ... eval -> tapply -> lapply -> FUN -> FUN -> run.AuDIT Execution halted Finished! |