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guest 2025-02-27 |
Welcome to the Skyline support forum. If you have a question about using Skyline, or if you encounter a problem, you can post your questions here.
It is likely that your question has already been asked and answered. Please use the search box (magnifying glass) in the upper right corner of this screen before posting a new question.
Support is provided by the creators of the software, as time allows, though we hope others will share their experience as the user community is now quite large.
If your question is about an External Tool, please contact that tool's developers directly. Contact information can usually be found on Skyline's Tools | Tool Store... menu.
In order to post to the forum, you'll need to sign-in or if you don't yet have an account sign up. Forgot your password? You can reset it using the "(forgot password)" link on the sign-in page.
You can also follow the Skyline support board through email updates after you sign up.
When you post a question, please include the following information:
If you are including text output from a tool, please attach files to your message, rather than pasting in long text.
If you are including a Skyline document, please use Skyline's File | Share menu item (choose "Complete" if asked), which prepares a single zip file with your document and all the needed supporting files in it. Then upload that file to the Uploads page. If the actual raw data files are needed to illustrate a problem, those will need to be zipped up and uploaded separately.
[File Upload]
Sign up here to participate in the MacCoss Lab Software support forum, post bugs, and receive notification email when our software projects are updated.
If you can already sign in to the Skyline web site, please do not submit this form again.
The information you provide will not be shared with any outside organizations.
To follow the Skyline support board you must:
Once you have signed in to the web site, you can do the following to change your email preferences on the Skyline support board to have it send you updates when new messages are posted:
You can also follow this procedure making different choices to turn these notifications off again, if you decide you'd rather not get them in your email inbox.