Kaylie Kirkwood   Kaylie Kirkwood  is a first-year graduate student at North Carolina State University working under the advisement of Dr. Erin Baker. Thus far, her research has focused on the development of lipid libraries in Skyline and the application of these libraries to various clinical and environmental applications ranging from elucidating lipid markers associated with smoke inhalation injury to evaluating lipid dysregulation in plants following exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances. Skyline was the first software Kaylie learned to use as an undergraduate researcher for small molecule detection including cyanotoxins, amino acids, and metabolomics profiling of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis under the advisement of Dr. David Muddiman. Its adaptability and interactive developers have allowed her to continue utilizing it in her current research.

Developing Multidimensional Small Molecule Spectral Libraries for Rapid Lipid Detection and Quantitation

Multidimensional lipidomics data provides valuable polarity, structural and mass information, but results in large and complex datasets which are extremely difficult to process. Skyline offers rapid and targeted processing of lipid data which ultimately allows for confident detection of diverse lipid species. We have developed sample-specific lipid spectral libraries which include hundreds of target lipids from multiple lipid categories for human plasma, brain total lipid extract, zebrafish, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, flies and lettuce. Read More
Each target lipid was populated with a manually extracted m/z value, normalized retention time, ion mobility collision cross section (CCS) and known fragmentation pattern. Recently created aspects of the Skyline small molecule interface were then utilized in our lipid evaluations including CCS filtering, iRT calculator linear and Lowess regressions, neutral loss assessment and spectral library capabilities. We plan to make these lipid spectral libraries publicly available through Panorama after completion and validation of our initial analyses.