


Version 1.0 [View All]

Uploaded Sep 9, 2014

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The MPPReport tool allows you to export results for analysis in Agilent's Mass Profiler Professional multivariate statistics software. Using a combination of advanced processing capabilities and powerful statistical and mathematical models to analyze complex proteomics data sets, Mass Profiler Professional lets you easily classify, compare, and analyze sample groups. Pathway Architect, an optional software module for Mass Profiler Professional, allows users to take the results from single or multi-omics experiments and map them onto canonical biological pathways, concurrently analyzing, visualizing, and interpreting pathway information. This pathway-centric workflow speeds the route from discovery and insight to validation. It also enables researchers to efficiently plan and execute their next series of experiments.

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Tool Information
Organization: Agilent Technologies
Authors: Yuval Boss, Brian S. Pratt, Joe Roark, Christine Miller
Languages: C#
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