Webinar 17

Webinar 17

In Webinar 17, we returned to refresh our webinar content on PRM which we last examined in July 2015 in Webinar 9 (PRM for PTM Studies in Skyline) and first discussed way back in January of 2015 in Webinar 3 - PRM Targeted Proteomics Using Full-Scan MS.  After a quick introduction by Skyline Principal Developer Brendan MacLean, the webinar was passed into the hands of two experts in PRM, Eduard Sabido, Ph.D., lead of the UPF/CRG Proteomics Unit, Barcelona and his PRM research specialist Cristina Chiva, Ph.D, for a fascinating glimpse of their current research and mass spec strategies entitled:  PRM Method Development and Data Analysis with Skyline.

With over 215 people in attendance, Eduard introduced the current thinking around PRM by examining the theoretical concepts and benefits of using PRM as a targeted proteomics approach. Cristina followed in her live tutorial with an overview of the instrument acquisition settings for their lab's featured mass spectrometer -- the Orbitrap Fusion Lumos. She then outlined the PRM method development process she follows and ended with a review of PRM results in Skyline.

Because of the volume of content to be covered, the presentation team did not have time to do live Q&A at the end of the session. Fear not, however, Eduard, Cristina and Brendan have provided written answers (also a link to the right) to all questions received during and after the webinar. Below, we've posted the presentation slides from Brendan and Eduard. Additionally, Cristina provided tutorial notes and her 1.4GB data set in case users would like to recreate the live tutorial she gave.

As we on the Skyline team know well, it takes a tremendous amount of preparation and work to successfully host one of these tutorial webinars, so we'd like to offer special thanks to Eduard and Cristina for filling in so admirably!

-- The Skyline Team

Eduard Sabido, Ph.D.
(Head of the UPF/CRG
Proteomics Unit)


Presentation Slides


Cristina Chiva, Ph.D.
(PRM Researcher)

Tutorial Notes


Tutorial Files
(1.4 GB)

Review Webinar 16

Small Molecule Research with Skyline
See video, presentation slides, and other files presented at the webinar.

Review Webinar 18

DIA/SWATH Data Analysis in Skyline Revisited
See video, presentation slides, and other files presented at the webinar.

Review Webinar 3

PRM Targeted Proteomics Using Full-Scan MS
See video, presentation slides, and other files presented at the webinar.

Review Webinar 9

PRM for PTM Studies with Skyline
See video, presentation slides, and other files presented at the webinar.